Create React App + Amplify templates

I've created a few Create React App templates for use with AWS Amplify (you can view the source on GitHub). These templates will generate a React app, add the latest version of Amplify to your project, and add the basic configuration step to index.js. Though currently a work in progress, I'll soon be adding a few additional templates that include basic UI components, routing, etc. I use these frequently for reproducing bugs, as well as developing / testing new features.


Basic JS Template (cra-template-aws-amplify) npm

npx create-react-app my-amplify-app --template aws-amplify

Basic template that installs the latest version of AWS Amplify, and adds the configuration step to index.js. Configuring your Amplify app (running amplify init, etc) must be done separately.

Basic TypeScript Template (cra-template-aws-amplify-typescript) npm

npx create-react-app my-amplify-app --template aws-amplify-typescript

Basic TypeScript template that installs the latest version of AWS Amplify, and adds the configuration step to index.js. Configuring your Amplify app (running amplify init, etc) must be done separately.


This is a personal project - opinions are my own